Cyber Security Pre-Event SurveyPlease take a moment to fill out the Pre-Event Survey below.Thank You. Student First Name: Email: Phone (Use Format: 123-456-7890): Grade: —Please choose an option—56789101112 Gender: —Please choose an option—FM School: What is your STEM Career Goal? Do you plan on any of the following (Check All That Apply): College Trade School Military Work STEM Certification Why did you decide to attend the Cyber Security Summit? What would be the benefits for you in attending the Summit? I confirm that I consent, or if under age 13 I have my parents consent, to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of this form in accordance with the Patriots Privacy Policy. You also acknowledge that you may be contacted about Patriots programs and events. You may unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of all of our emails.